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The old water and wastewater infrastructure of US cities, especially New York City require constant improvements and upgrades. These facilities have been upgraded during the last decades in several ways (e.g. capacity improvement, equipment upgrades, rehabilitation, resiliency, etc.). All of these changes are reasons for not having accurate and reliable as-built documentation for future or on-going upgrades and reconstructions.


An accurate as-built document in similar facilities plays a critical role in upgrading phases. Just imagine the pipe galleries in these plants, looks like spaghetti of pipes tied to each other! 


BIMNYC staff has experience working on all 14 New York City’s Wastewater Treatment Plants and various pumping stations in various phases and contracts including resiliency programs (RLCY contracts), structural rehabilitation, tanks reconstruction, equipment upgrades, etc. 


Our staff provided inspection, 3D laser scanning, and BIM services for design, construction and facilities management phases in water and wastewater infrastructure facilities. 


BIMNYC is completely familiar and experienced with NYCDEP and MWRA BIM standards and requirements.


For project samples, resumes, experiences, and references please contact


Water and Wastewater Infrastructures

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